Security is probably one of your top priorities for your accounts online, but have you ever worried about your desktop being hacked? Have you ever thought someone may be able to gain access to all your files and information off the web? It is a common misconception that you are safe from being hacked directly to your computer, but you can be hacked as long as your computer is connected to a network. You could accomplish complete security by disconnecting your computer from the network and then shutting off the network which makes accomplishing anything at work impossible. Instead of doing that, I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to improve you desktop security and make it harder for the hacker to hack but still remain useful for you to work on.
Update. Update. Update
Software updates are becoming more and more frequent. It used to take quite a while before you would need to update your computer, app, or mobile device, but now it sometimes feels there is a new update at least once a week. I often find myself skipping them for quite a while and ignoring them till the app quits working. Then, I am force to update, but my computer I find myself updating every chance I get. New update? Yes, please. Updating your computer will keep security up-to-date. Some updates do only help glitches or bugs, but some times they are really fixes to security holes. So update your computer whenever you can. It could improve a hole you did not even know you had.
Refuse to Share
I know your parents taught you to share and that is the right thing to do. . .with everything except for this. This is not the time to share so go turn of your sharing function on your desktop. There are some places where it is required that you share your work, but if it is not required for you, turn it off. It makes it easier to get in your computer by having the sharing feature on. You can always use a shared printer or share files as you need to. If you can help it though, avoid having open sharing. It will help ward off the viruses.
Take Passwords Seriously
Is your password incorrect? Or how about is it your birthday? Or maybe it is your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend’s name? Take you passwords a little more seriously. Do not do it as basic as word or set of numbers that I could dig up by looking on Google. Take the time to make a secure password that has a combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and capitals. Cannot remember passwords like that? I use a software called keepass to keep track of all my passwords. It is secure, and I know exactly where to look for my passwords. I never lose them around the house or drop them between my car and my house or where ever I may carry my laptop or tablet. You will have to remember at least 2 to get into your desktop user’s and the keepass, but everything else can be stored in keepass which makes very complicated passwords.
Use Protection
Yes, I mean it. It is easy to overlook especially for Apple users, but please, please, please do not blow it off. Having anti-malware and virus scanners are very important to your computers health. It is extremely easy to stumble across a virus without knowing it. They can be in pictures, links, downloads, files, etc. All it takes is a click, and your system will be gone. Put the extra time and money into protecting your computer.
Security is a big deal whether online or off. People are out there trying to steal your identity, information, credit card, hard earn cashed, etc. There is always a next big scheme on how to get rich quick. Keeping your security high will help them at least keep you out of your desktop life. There are blogs and Facebook pages one could follow to help be aware of the latest viruses. They will also be able to give you regular tips on what to avoid online. What sites specifically are a trap and which ones are not. Stay secure and keep your information safe.